Monday, September 3, 2007

It Will Benefit Us All

Conservation of our environment is not an issue for the Left or the Right, nor an issue for Republicans or Democrats. I have seen some of the best efforts for land preservation and protection pushed by groups who love the out of doors but also love to hunt and fish. Wildlife habitat preservation and protection of the few natural areas of our county remaining is a broad community good. It can benefit both the Tree Huggers and the those who like to take a grandson or granddaughter onto other land permitted for hunting. If the Haw River State Park is allowed, with broad community support, to grow and develop it will be a benefit for all of us. Protected wildlife corridors help many for many different reasons.

So the next time you pass a hiker in the woods don't waste your time talking about politics. Instead you may want to discuss that a few black bears have been sighted in our Guilford County section of the Haw River. You may even be interested in hiking together to the nearby Great Blue Heron rookery on the banks of the Haw River.

The choice is easy -- YES!! -- we want a growing, dynamic Haw River State Park placed in our backyard for the long range benefit of Guilford and Rockingham County. This is a gift far too good to turn down!!

John D. Young

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am all for preserving our environment as I feel many people are. But I have not seen anything regarding building an URBAN DEVELOPMENT in unincorporated portions of Guilford & Rockingham Counties. This makes no sense at all.