Sunday, December 23, 2007

Our Holiday Wish!!

Many of us hope that the developer, Bluegreen sells its option/contract on the 692 acres to NCDENR for the expansion of the Haw River State Park and protection of this section of the Haw River corridor. If the state and Bluegreen cannot reach an agreement, and Bluegreen's option/contract with the land owners expires in Jan. 2008, the state should then purchase the 692 acres directly from the three property owners at the fair market appraised value significantly determined by Bluegreen's proposed development.

The land owners must be wooed and courted by the state once Bluegreen is out of the picture. It is good for the property owners that they have a second eager buyer (the state) since it appears doubtful that Bluegreen will receive their necessary rezoning, special permits to draw water from the Haw River and permits to build a community septic system near the banks of the Haw River.

This purchase by the state can be accomplished by using special wetland and land preservation trust funds designed just for such a state park/land preservation purchase.

It should be noted that distant, outlying sprawl developments, like the proposed Patriot's Landing, remain a drain on us Guilford County tax payers. Such developments seldom replenish the significant taxes they consume. Patriot's Landing would have required the use of tax money for significant school expansion at all grade levels, road expansion and road corridor entry additions, a new fire department location and new sheriff department services, etc.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am passing through Greensboro and saw your notice. I wonder if you are familiar with the work of Attorney Thomas Lindsey and CELDF [Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund]. Based in PA, they are fighting excessive corporate power over communities, and might be useful to your efforts.
There is a wave of regaining citizen rights that has begun, and their efforts and those at reclaim could be helpful to you.
I wish all of you in this exhausting strugle the best, and remind you to take breaks, hug each other a lot, and dance whenever possible.
Warmth to each of you, Reeve Curry, Wolfeboro NH.