Sunday, December 23, 2007

Our Holiday Wish!!

Many of us hope that the developer, Bluegreen sells its option/contract on the 692 acres to NCDENR for the expansion of the Haw River State Park and protection of this section of the Haw River corridor. If the state and Bluegreen cannot reach an agreement, and Bluegreen's option/contract with the land owners expires in Jan. 2008, the state should then purchase the 692 acres directly from the three property owners at the fair market appraised value significantly determined by Bluegreen's proposed development.

The land owners must be wooed and courted by the state once Bluegreen is out of the picture. It is good for the property owners that they have a second eager buyer (the state) since it appears doubtful that Bluegreen will receive their necessary rezoning, special permits to draw water from the Haw River and permits to build a community septic system near the banks of the Haw River.

This purchase by the state can be accomplished by using special wetland and land preservation trust funds designed just for such a state park/land preservation purchase.

It should be noted that distant, outlying sprawl developments, like the proposed Patriot's Landing, remain a drain on us Guilford County tax payers. Such developments seldom replenish the significant taxes they consume. Patriot's Landing would have required the use of tax money for significant school expansion at all grade levels, road expansion and road corridor entry additions, a new fire department location and new sheriff department services, etc.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Another Postponement

Tonight the Guilford County Commissioners did postpone again their rezoning hearing for Bluegreen's development of 692 acres of land crucial to the growth of the Haw River State Park. It appears that this request for postponement until Jan. 17, 2008 was simply routine and customary. The last postponement was at the request of Bluegreen. This new postponement of the Dec. 13th meeting was at the request of attorney Charles Winfree on behalf of Mrs. Cox and other property owners.

Charles Winfree did say that Mrs. Cox and the other property owners thought that more time should be given to insure an agreement between the state and Bluegreen. The property owners do also have a concern that a firm vote by the commissioners to refuse rezoning could devalue their property. Several commissioners, even some who said they were supporters of the expansion of the Haw River State Park, thought that the request of the property owners for a delay was necessary and proper procedure.

The new scheduled time for the county commissioners to decide this rezoning issue is Jan. 17th at 5:30 p.m. No one needs to show up on Dec. 13th for this issue.

In no way is this a step forward nor backward but another delay. Most everyone now seems to hope that the Haw River State Park can expand on this beautiful 692 acres and preserve this section of the Haw River corridor. And most seem to think that NCDENR and Bluegreen will resolve all of their differences before 2008. If this happens the state will purchase Bluegreen's option on the property. The property owners would be fully compensated, possibly some funds would flow to Bluegreen to help them offset some of their expenses and the 692 acres will become part of the HRSP.

Another possible scenario just around the corner that may have support among the property owners is -- Bluegreen's option/contract on their property runs out in Jan. 2008 and the property owners don't extend Bluegreen's option and then sell their land directly to NCDENR. This option may prove to actually put slightly more money into the hands of the property owners because Bluegreen is out of the picture.

Take a deep breath! Bottom line, it seems likely that Guilford and Rockingham County will have a greatly expanded Haw River State Park in 2008. Remember, we may all have to pack the commissioner's Jan. 17th meeting to help insure that happens.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Greensboro Partnership supports an expanding Haw River State Park

November 29, 2007
The Honorable William G. Ross, Jr. Department of Environment and Natural Resources
1601 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1601

Dear Secretary Ross:

It has come to our attention that Bluegreen Corporation of Florida is planning to develop a 692 acre golf community (Patriots Landing Private Golf Course and Gated Community) on land proposed for the expansion of the Haw River State Park. The planned location of this development will be detrimental to the full development of the state park and therefore the economic growth and development of Greensboro and Guilford County.

Greensboro Partnership serves as the principal economic and community development organization in Greensboro. Our mission is to strategically develop a vibrant community that creates, expands and attracts business while advancing the quality of life for all. As part of our function we frequently assess what attracts residents and businesses to our community and what compels them to stay. We know from community polling and surveys that the inclusion of open space and green areas which support an active life style for residents is an important aspect of our community’s development. Additionally, in 2000, the citizens of Guilford County authorized a $10 million bond issue to acquire open space in Guilford County. This initiative, along with the authorization of the Haw River State Park in 2003, shows the widespread interest in preserving land for the creation of recreational opportunities for all citizens to enjoy. This confirms for us that the planned Haw River State Park is an essential component of the growth and development of our region.

In addition we are concerned about the impact the proposed development will have on our water supply, both the availability of water and the water quality. The project requires 100,000 gallons of water to be extracted daily from the Haw River which serves as a periodic emergency source of water supply for the City of Greensboro. Consistent depletion of this resource is a dangerous prospect for the City’s water and sewer department to manage. The golf community will also add run-off to the Haw River threatening its water quality and that of the bodies of waters to which the river connects. This adds further to the unattractive nature of the proposed development in this location.

The full development of the Haw River State Park is important to the economic growth of Greensboro and Guilford County. It is because of this reason we oppose the proposed location of the residential golf community by Bluegreen Corporation. We ask that the NC Department of Environmental and Natural Resources does everything in its power to preserve this land.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Pat Danahy
cc: Lewis Ledford, Director, N.C. Division of Parks & Recreation

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Bluegreen Needs to Accept the State's Generous Offer Now!!

It is way past time for Bluegreen to accept the generous offer from NCDENR to purchase Bluegreen's option on the approximately 700 acres that adjoin the current Haw River State Park. The fledgling HRSP needs your help and especially the help of our County Commissioners to make sure it can expand and become a dynamic state park. Bluegreen can build another development elsewhere in Guilford County. The state's current offer allows Bluegreen to go ahead and fulfill their full offer to all three of the property owners plus put a little money in their pocket to help cover expenses they have incurred. Bluegreen has had sufficient time to study and sign this agreement.

Taft Wireback did have one mistake in his recent N&R piece on 11/29/07. He said that the "commissioner's hearing has been delayed before at the request of state government." That previous delay had been requested by Bluegreen -- not by the state.

In the written request to Paul Gibson from Charles Winfree dated 11/27/07 asking for another delay is an important paragraph: "Mrs. Cox and other property owners are concerned that if this matter is heard before the parties have fully explored the possibilities of settlement that the value of their property would be unnecessarily impaired. Furthermore, successful completion of the negotiations would eliminate the need for a hearing of any kind."

It appears that all the property owners also want Bluegreen to accept the state's generous offer so that the property owners can finally get their money based on Bluegreen's current offer, that the state will fully honor.

Another delay over the issue of rezoning is not necessary and a waste of everyone's time and energy. What is essential is that Bluegreen does need to accept the state's generous offer and sell the state their option on this property. Once that is done the property owners can be fully compensated, the HRSP can begin a healthy expansion and another important section of the Haw River's wildlife and wetland habitat will be protected and preserved.